Basic stock information

Stock Information

As of March 31, 2024
Security Code 2445
Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Listed on June 10, 2005
Industry Service
Number of Shares per Unit 100 Shares
Total Issued Shares 46,585,600 Shares
Total Authorized Shares 144,000,000 Shares
Number of Shareholders 4,704
Fiscal Year From April 1st to March 31st of the following year.
Regular Annual Shareholders' Meeting Every June.
The record date for dividend payment to shareholders Every March 31st.
Surplus Dividend Record Date Year-End Dividend: Annually on March 31st.
Interim Dividend: Annually on September 30th.
Auditing Firm Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
Lead Securities Company Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Transfer agent
Institution Managing Special Account
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Contact Information Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Osaka Securities Agency Department.
3-6-3 Fushimi-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Japan.
Announcement Method The company's announcements are made through electronic notices. However, if circumstances such as accidents or other unavoidable reasons prevent the use of electronic notices, announcements will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei).

Stock ownership status

Principal Shareholders

As of March 31, 2024
Name Holdings (Unit: Thousand Shares) Shareholding Percentage (%)
Takamiya Ltd. 7,860 16.87
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 3,885 8.34
RISE EIGHT.Co 3,500 7.51
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 1,913 4.11
Tojitsu Takamiya 1,738 3.73
Toyoji Takamiya 1,678 3.60
Employee Stock Ownership Community 1,632 3.50
Chikako Takamiya
1,579 3.39
Kazumasa Takamiya 1,350 2.90

(Note) The shareholding percentage is calculated after deducting 7,080 shares of treasury stock.

Stock Distribution by Owner

As of March 31, 2024

Holdings (Unit: Thousand Shares) Shareholding Percentage (%)
Individuals and Others 17,307 37.15%
Other Legal Entities 15,003 32.21%
Financial Institutions 9,164 19.68%
Foreign Entities, etc. 4,503 9.67%
Financial Instruments Dealers 600 1.29%
Self-Registered Shares. 7 0.02%

Stock Procedures

Stock recorded in brokerage accounts or other financial institution accounts.

Details regarding procedures, inquiries, etc. Inquiry Contact
Inquiry Regarding Dispatch and Return of Mailings
Inquiry Regarding Dividends After the Expiry of the Payment Period
General inquiries regarding stock affairs
Transfer agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
1-1 Nisshinkocho, Fuchu City, Tokyo, Japan.
[Mailing address]
P.O. Box No. 29, Shintokyo Post Office, Tokyo, Japan, Postal Code: 137-8081.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
For procedures or inquiries not covered above, Please inquire with the brokerage firm or financial institution where your account is opened.

Stock recorded in the special account

Details regarding procedures, inquiries, etc. Inquiry Contact
Request for Transfer from Special Account to General Account
Request for Purchase and Additional Purchase of Odd-Lot Shares
Change of Address or Name
Inquiry about the Balance of the Special Account
Designation of Dividend Receipt Method
Special Account Management Institution Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
1-1 Nisshinkocho, Fuchu City, Tokyo, Japan.

[Mailing address]
137-8081, and it corresponds to P.O. Box No. 29 at the Shintokyo Post Office.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

[How to Request Procedure Documents]
Download via the Internet
Inquiry Regarding Dispatch and Return of Mailings
Inquiry Regarding Dividends After the Expiry of the Payment Period
General inquiries regarding stock affairs
Transfer agent

Shareholders who own shares recorded in a special account cannot choose the proportional distribution method for receiving dividends.