Corporate Information

Takamiya Platform
Provide high-value-added services to Iq System purchasing customers.

Transition from an one-time-fee business model to a recurring revenue model.

Our company has been primarily engaged in a flow-based business with five core activities, including the development and manufacturing, sales, rental, design and construction, and management/logistics of temporary equipment such as scaffolding. However, in the future, we will transition to a high-profit business model less affected by external factors by providing new services and content through the 'Takamiya Platform,' which encompasses both software and hardware aspects.
We will create entry points for various services, and for customers who purchase our next-generation scaffolding, "Iq System," and deposit it into the 'Takamiya Platform,' we will provide higher value-added services.

Company Profile

As of March 31, 2024
Company name Takamiya Co., Ltd.
Date of Establishment June 21, 1969
Representative Kazumasa Takamiya
Representative Director, President and Chairman
Head Office Grand Front Osaka Tower-B Bldg. 27F,
3-1, Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011, Japan
TEL:+81-6-6375-3900 FAX:+81-0-6375-8825
Capital ¥1,052,146,000-
Stock Exchange Listings Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Securities code 2445
Fiscal year From April 1st to March 31st of the following year
Business Sales and rental of temporary equipment, Planning and drawing of temporary construction
Number of employees consolidated basis 1,370
non-consolidated basis 778
Business performance Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
Net sales : 41,894 million yen
Operating income : 2,253 million yen
For more details, please refer to our "Financial Result Summary"
Corporate Officers For more details, please refer to our "Corporate Officers"
TAKAMIYA Group For more details, please refer to our "TAKAMIYA Group"
Lead managing underwriter Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Audit corporation Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC

Corporate logo

The logo of Takamiya Corporation combines the company name written in alphabets with an impactful symbol mark.

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure