Performance Highlights

Historical Data

Updated as of May 23, 2023

Financial Performance Information

Performance Highlights

FYE March 31, 2018 FYE March 31, 2019 FYE March 31, 2020 FYE March 31, 2021 FYE March 31, 2022 FYE March 31, 2023 FYE March 31, 2024
Net Sales 36,114 42,182 46,065 38,812 39,800 41,894 44,127
Operating Income 1,690 2,713 3,703 1,586 1,682 2,253 3,404
Oridinary Income 1,610 2,662 3,541 1,569 1,954 2,400 3,580
Profit attributable to
owners of parent
1,252 1,637 2,370 857 965 1,460 1,887
Net assets 13,552 14,575 18,497 18,768 19,337 20,522 22,157
Total Assets 52,813 54,414 59,282 56,454 59,081 62,749 68,945

Unit:Million Yen

Performance and Segment Information
